3rd - 2nd - 1st kyu JKS syllabus
Brown belt - Brown with one White stripe belt - Brown with two White stripes belt
From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae
① Sanbon-zuki(step forward)
②Jodan Age-uke, Nekoashi-dachi Gedan Barai, Front leg Mae-geri, Zenkutsu-dachi Gyaku-zuki( step back)
*Keep Nekoashi-dachi after kicking, then shift to Zenkutsu-dachi Gyaku-zuki
③Chudan Soto-uke, Kiba-dachi Enpi(step forward)
④Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke, Nukite(step back)
⑤Gedan Barai, Nekoashi-dachi Uchi-uke, slide forward to Zenkutsu-dachi Ura-zuki Gyaku-zuki( step forward)
Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae
⑥From Jiyu-na-kamae, Mae-geri, Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki(step forward)
*In Oi-zuki (hanmi, side facing), Gyaku-zuki (shomen, frontal facing)
⑦ From Jiyu-na-kamae Mae-geri,
Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri, Ura Mawashi-geri(both sides)
Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae
⑧Yoko Ke-age, same leg Yoko Ke-komi (step forward) Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae
⑨Turning & stepping forward Ura Shuto-uchi, same place Haito-uchi (step forward)
Jiyu-Ippon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki, Mae-geri, Yoko-geri, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri)
(3rd Kyu) Tekki-Shodan, Junro-Sandan
(2nd Kyu) Bassai Dai, Junro-Yondan
(1st Kyu) Bassai Dai, Junro-Godan
Junro Sanda and Junro Yondan
“Ordinary path” “third level” and “fourth level”
Junro Godan and Bassai Dai
“Ordinary path” “fifth level” and “destroying a fortress” greater version
Shodan >