Japanese terms

  • Numbers

    When counting in the dojo we use just the first syllable of each Japanese number for shorter, sharper counting.

    1 - ichi
    2 - ni
    3 - san
    4 - shi
    5 - go
    6 - roku
    7 - shichi
    8 - hachi
    9 - ku (kyuu)
    10 - juu

  • Attacks

    Arm attacks:
    * tsuki – punch
    * oi-zuki – lunge punch
    * gyaku-zuki – reverse punch
    * kizami-zuki – jab punch
    * nukite – spear-hand (thrust)
    * ura-ken – back hand (strike)
    * empi – elbow (strike)

    Leg attacks :
    * keri – kick
    * mae-geri – front (snap) kick
    * mawashi-geri – round house kick
    * (yoko-geri) kekomi – side thrust kick
    * (yoko-geri) keage – side snap kick
    * ushiro-geri – back (thrust) kick

  • Attacking levels and blocks

    Attacking levels
    * jou-dan – “upper level” / face
    * chuudan – “middle level” / stomach / solar plexus
    * gedan – “lower level” / groin

    * age-uke – rising block
    * soto-uke – outside block
    * uchi-uke – inside block
    * gedan barai – down block / “lower level sweep”
    * shuto-uke – knife-hand block
    * nagashi-uke – “flushing block” / deflecting block
    * juuji-uke – two-handed “cross” block

  • Kata (forms)

    * heian shodan – “stable and secure” / “stable peace,” “first level”
    * heian nidan – ditto, “second level”
    * heian sandan – ditto, “third level”
    * heian yondan – you can probably guess…
    * heian godan
    * tekki shodan – “iron horseman,” “first level”
    * tekki nidan
    * tekki sandan
    * junro - ordinary path
    * bassai dai – “destroying a fortress” greater version *
    * enpi – “flight of the swallow”
    * jion – “compassion and favour”
    * kanku dai – “observing the sky/emptiness” greater version*
    * jitte – “ten hands”
    * hangetsu – “half moon”
    * nijushiho – “twenty-four steps”
    * gankaku – “boulder crane” (the bird on a rock)
    * sochin [sou-chin] – “strength and control”
    * bassai sho [shou] – “destroying a fortress” lesser version *
    * kanku sho [shou] – “observing the sky/emptiness” “lesser” version *
    * unsu [unsuu] – “cloud hands”
    * gojushiho (dai) – “fifty-four steps,” greater version *
    * gojushiho sho [shou] – “fifty-four steps” lesser version *
    * meikyo [meikyou] – “bright mirror”
    * ji’in – “compassion and shadow”
    * chinte – “rare hands”
    * wankan – “king’s crown”

    * Kata with “sho” or “dai” attached (“lesser” or “greater”) is just a way of distinguishing between different kata.

  • Kumite (Sparring)

    * kumite – sparring
    * (kihon) gohon kumite – (basic) five-step sparring
    * (kihon) sanbon kumite – (basic) three-step sparring
    * (kihon) ippon kumite – (basic) one-step sparring
    * jiyuu ippon kumite – semi-free one-step sparring
    * (jiyuu) kumite – free sparring

  • Other terms

    * dojo – “way place,” the place where you train
    * dojo kun – dojo etiquette
    * hajime – begin
    * hikite - pulling hand
    * ki-ai – “spirit focus” / a focusing yell
    * kihon – basic(s)
    * kime – “decision” / focus
    * kou-hai – junior student
    * mawatte – turn
    * mokusou – “quiet meditation”
    * rei – bow
    * seiza – “proper sitting” / kneeling
    * sempai – senior student
    * sensei - instructor
    * yame – stop
    * yasume – rest, relax
    * youi – “get ready”