5th - 4th kyu JKS syllabus

Purple belt - Purple with White stripe belt

5th Kyu - Purple belt

5th Kyu - Purple belt

4th Kyu - Purple belt with white stripe

4th Kyu - Purple belt with white stripe


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki (frontal hip position for both punches) (step forward)

② Jodan Age-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step back)

③ Chudan Soto-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

④ Chudan Uchi-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step back)

⑤ Gedan Barai, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

⑥ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke, Nekoashi-dachi Gedan Barai (step backward)

From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

⑦ Mae-geri, Oi-zuki(step forward) Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑧ Mawashi-geri, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)
*Keep the hand at same position before kicking

From Kiba-dachi

⑨ Yoko ke-age switch legs Yoko ke-komi

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑩ Turning & stepping forward Ura-ken, Gyaku-zuki


Kihon-Ippon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki, Mae-geri, Yoko-geri, Mawashi-geri)


(5th Kyu) Heian-Yondan, Junro-Shodan

(4th Kyu) Heian-Godan, Junro-Nidan

5th kyu

Heian Yondan and Junro Shodan

Heian Yondan demonstrated by Masao Kagawa

Junro Shodan demonstrated by Masao Kagawa

4th kyu

Heian Godan and Junro Nidan

Heian Godan demonstrated by Masao Kagawa

Junro Nidan demonstrated by Masao Kagawa