Code of Conduct
for MK SKA instructors and students

Code of conduct:

The Art of Karate-Do places great emphasis on the development of the character of its students, and the MK Shotokan Karate Academy uses a code of behaviour, together with the physical training, so that technical skill, physical fitness and good behaviour become synonymous with Karate-Do.

All MK SKA members have a duty to behave in a way which will maintain and enhance this reputation on behalf of the Academy and the JKS. This includes both students and instructors. Bad behaviour on the part of an instructor or a student will reflect badly on the MK SKA and the JKS. The ethos of karate is the development of the character through the development of the body. An instructor has a great responsibility to uphold this tradition and ensure it is held up by all concerned.

Dojo etiquette:

Always bow on entering or leaving the training area in the dojo.

Instructors should be referred to as Sensei or by their appropriate title, and not by name.

Nails must be kept clean and short enough to avoid scratching and cutting. Jewellery or watches should not be worn. If it is not possible to remove rings or earrings, they should be safely covered. Long hair should be tied up neatly.

No footwear is allowed on the training area, unless there is a medical reason or to comply with EKF regulations.

It is polite to walk around the edge of the training area.

Students must make every effort to be on time for classes, but if late, should enter the dojo quietly, change and warm up in an appropriate area. When joining the class, they must kneel to the front and side of the class, where they can be seen by the Sensei and wait for the signal to join in. When this signal is given, they should walk quickly and quietly around the back of the class and go to a position appropriate to their grade.

Smoking is not allowed in the dojo or in any adjacent areas. Eating or drinking sugary drinks is not permitted anywhere in the training area. Please keep in mind that the dojo is a place of learning and not a playground.

Bullying in any form will not be accepted. If this does happen the person responsible will be expelled from the Academy with immediate effect.

Gis and belts:

It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that their gi fits correctly and is kept clean and in a good state of repair.

An MK SKA or JKS badge can be embroidered or stitched onto the gi.

The appropriate coloured belt must be worn with the gi at all times.

Training at another dojo:

A JKS licence will insure you can train at any affiliated dojo, but permission is needed from the dojo instructor, and from your own instructor.


If a karate-ka decides to enter competitions they should keep in mind that they are representing MK SKA, the JKS as well as themselves and ensure their behaviour is appropriate and in accordance with our dojo etiquette.

Outside the dojo:

As stated, members have a responsibility to behave in a manner which maintains and enhances the reputation of the MK SKA and Karate-Do, both in and outside of the dojo, and to refrain from 'impetuous and violent behaviour'. Such inappropriate behaviour could result in the member involved being expelled from the Academy.

Yours in Karate-Do


Keith Lambourne