


From Jiyu-na-kamae

① Kizami-zuki, Gyaku-zuki + Mae-geri, Oi-zuki, Gyaku-zuki + Mawashi-geri, Uraken, Gyaku-zuki (both sides)
*Going out, the three combinations should be performed in three counts. Returning, all the three combinations should be performed in one count.

② Kizami-zuki, Gyaku-zuki, shift back Jodan Nagashi-uke, Gyaku-zuki + Mae-geri, Oi-zuki, Gyakuzuki, shift back to 45 degrees Gedan Barai, Gyaku-zuki + Mawashi-geri, Uraken, Gyaku-zuki, shift back to 45 degrees Jodan Uchi-uke, Gyaku-zuki (both sides)
*Going out, the three combinations should be performed in three counts. Returning, all the three combinations should be performed in one count.

③ From Zenkutsu-dachi, in place, Mae-geri, Yoko-geri, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri (same leg) (both sides)




Tokui-Kata, Examinees choice (Kata of choice)

Shitei-Kata, Examiners choice (Bassai-Dai, Kanku-Dai, Enpi, Jion, Hangestsu, Junro-Kata)

*Attention to the seventh combination of the Shodan syllabus, yose ashi is compulsory. The Dan test candidate must move the back leg half step, then perform a Kizami-zuki, Gyaku-zuki combination.

Regarding the Nidan syllabus, the Dan test candidate may (or may not, it is up to them) take a half step with the back leg before sliding forward with Kizami-zuki, Gyaku-zuki. He should perform a good (wide range) Kizami-zuki, Gyaku-zuki combination.