See what’s been going on at MK SKA during 2023.

MK SKA Annual Tournament

Individual kumite competition

Family team kata competition

Individual kata competition

November 2023 grading

JKS National Tournament

November 2023

Grading October 2023

Black Belt Grading

October 2023

Grading August 2023

Small Grading July 2023

JKS Novice and Intermediate Championship 2023

Grading June 2023

Grading March 2023

Shito Ryu Open Tournament March 2023

Grading February 2023

Also in January, Matt Price Sensei ran an excellent kumite session for the Tournament Squad

2023 saw the launch of the Kata class each Friday. The first class focused on Heian Nidan and Goju Shi Ho Sho. In week two Bob Rhodes Sensei followed up with a class working on the bunkai for these two katas.